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MAY 2024 - WEEK 4 | 8 Books Every Filipino Child Should Read
Tuesday, May 28, 2024
Dear Friends of Learning is Fun, "Roots and Wings: 8 Books Every Filipino Child Should Read" Warmest greetings, I'm Cecille Berces, President of WS Pacific Publications, Inc. Today, we embark on a literary journey through the Philippines with a curated list of books that every Filipino child should read. These stories are windows to our soul as a nation, offering insights into our culture, history, and values.
MAY 2024 - WEEK 3 | 5 Ways to Combine Playtime and Reading
Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Dear Friends of Learning is Fun, "Joyful Learning: 5 Ways to Combine Playtime and Reading" Warm greetings to all! I'm Cecille Berces, President of WS Pacific Publications, Inc. In this edition, we're excited to bridge the gap between playtime and reading, transforming every moment into an opportunity for learning and fun. Here are five innovative strategies to merge the joy of play with the magic of reading.
MAY 2024 - WEEK 2 | 4 Successful Strategies from Our Reading Workshops
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Dear Friends of Learning is Fun, "Enriching Minds: 4 Successful Strategies from Our Reading Workshops" Hello, wonderful community! I'm Cecille Berces, President of WS Pacific Publications, Inc. Today, I’m excited to share with you some of the most effective strategies we've discovered through our reading workshops. These methods have proven to significantly enhance the reading experience for children and are designed to foster a deeper love and understanding of literature.