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SEPTEMBER 2024 - WEEK 4 | 10 Spooky but Fun Children's Books for Halloween
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Dear Friends of Learning is Fun, "Beyond the Book: 10 Creative Book Report Ideas for Kids" Warmest greetings to all our young readers and their guardians! I'm Cecille Berces, President of WS Pacific Publications, Inc. This edition is dedicated to transforming the traditional book report into an exciting project that kids will look forward to. Here are ten creative ideas that encourage children to engage deeply with their reading material while having fun.
SEPTEMBER 2024 - WEEK 3 | Top 4 Storytelling Techniques for Parents
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Dear Friends of Learning is Fun, "Bringing Stories to Life: Top 4 Storytelling Techniques for Parents" Warmest greetings to all the wonderful storytellers in our community! I'm Cecille Berces, President of WS Pacific Publications, Inc. Storytelling is an art that has the power to transport children to realms of imagination, insight, and wonder. To enhance this magical journey, here are four storytelling techniques that can turn reading sessions into unforgettable adventures for both you and your child.
SEPTEMBER 2024 - WEEK 2 | 7 Reading Strategies for Effective Learning
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Dear Friends of Learning is Fun, Unlocking Knowledge: 7 Reading Strategies for Effective Learning Greetings, passionate learners and educators! I'm Cecille Berces, President of WS Pacific Publications, Inc. As we journey through the world of words and wisdom, it's crucial to arm our young readers with strategies that enhance comprehension, retention, and enjoyment. Here are seven effective reading strategies designed to elevate the learning experience for children.