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          RSS Blog posts of '2024' 'July'

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          Picture for blog post JULY 2024 - WEEK 5 | 4 Reading Milestones Every Parent Should Know

          JULY 2024 - WEEK 5 | 4 Reading Milestones Every Parent Should Know

          Tuesday, July 30, 2024
          Dear Friends of Learning is Fun, "Guiding Steps: 4 Reading Milestones Every Parent Should Know" Warm greetings to all our dedicated parents and guardians! I'm Cecille Berces, President of WS Pacific Publications, Inc. Understanding the key milestones in your child's reading journey can be incredibly empowering. It helps you support their growth and celebrate their achievements. Here are four crucial reading milestones that mark significant steps in a child's literacy development.
          Picture for blog post JULY 2024 - WEEK 4 | 7 Book Characters Kids Love and Learn From

          JULY 2024 - WEEK 4 | 7 Book Characters Kids Love and Learn From

          Tuesday, July 23, 2024
          Dear Friends of Learning is Fun, "Characters with a Cause: 7 Book Characters Kids Love and Learn From" Greetings, cherished members of our community! I'm Cecille Berces, President of WS Pacific Publications, Inc. Today, we're celebrating the magic of storytelling through characters that have not only captured the hearts of young readers but also offered valuable lessons along the way. Here are seven book characters who are adored by children and provide meaningful learning experiences.
          Picture for blog post JULY 2024 - WEEK 3 | 5 Ways to Encourage Reading During School Days

          JULY 2024 - WEEK 3 | 5 Ways to Encourage Reading During School Days

          Tuesday, July 16, 2024
          Dear Friends of Learning is Fun, "Engaging Minds: 5 Ways to Encourage Reading During School Days" Hello, wonderful supporters of literacy! I'm Cecille Berces, President of WS Pacific Publications, Inc. As the school year progresses, finding ways to keep children engaged with reading amidst busy schedules becomes increasingly important. Here are five effective strategies to foster a love for reading during school days.
          Picture for blog post JULY 2024 - WEEK 2 | 8 Educational Books for Back-to-School

          JULY 2024 - WEEK 2 | 8 Educational Books for Back-to-School

          Tuesday, July 9, 2024
          Dear Friends of Learning is Fun, "Back to Learning: 8 Educational Books for Back-to-School" Greetings as we embrace the new school year! I'm Cecille Berces, President of WS Pacific Publications, Inc. The start of school is an exciting time for discovery and growth. To support this journey, we’ve curated a list of eight educational books that are perfect for getting back into the academic mindset. These books are designed to inspire, educate, and spark curiosity in young minds.
          Picture for blog post JULY 2024 - WEEK 1 | Top 7 Rainy Day Reading Activities for Kids

          JULY 2024 - WEEK 1 | Top 7 Rainy Day Reading Activities for Kids

          Tuesday, July 2, 2024
          Dear Friends of Learning is Fun, "Splashing Into Stories: Top 7 Rainy Day Reading Activities for Kids" Hello, cherished members of our reading community! I'm Cecille Berces, President of WS Pacific Publications, Inc. Rainy days bring a special opportunity for cozy reading adventures indoors. Here are seven engaging activities to make reading an exciting endeavor for your children, even when the skies are grey.
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